
葡萄園餐廳 Vinha Restaurant



「葡萄園餐廳」的菜式豐富招牌菜有:馳名澳門的有葡式咖哩蟹、烤美國肉眼扒、忌廉焗馬介休、燒乳豬、葡式焗海鮮飯等‥‥‥每道菜都令人垂涎三尺。餐廳還提供各種不同年份出產及不同等級的紅酒,以及各款波特酒、白葡萄酒、香檳、葡國啤酒、葡國果汁汽酒以及其他特色飲品供您選擇。美酒佳餚, 實在是人生一大快事。

葡萄圜餐廳植根澳門超過20載,並於2017年開始獲得旅遊局評級為澳門二級餐廳的星級服務商戶,屢次獲獎 !

葡萄圜餐廳環境建築模式獨特,自成一格, 並充滿歐陸情調。位於新口岸皇朝廣場的「葡萄園餐廳」的室內裝飾就是以葡國酒窖的意念而設計…… 拱門、紅土地磚、壁爐、米黄色的牆壁、酒桶……… ,令人仿如置身於葡園酒窖內。餐廳兩旁的窗邊建有柚木地台,木柱型的欄杆、路燈及圍欄,正好在室內營造出歐洲室外路旁的飲食情趣。

而位於漁人碼頭的「葡萄園餐廳2 」 其充滿歐陸情調的優閒感,頂部是一串串蜿蜒著的葡萄藤,讓人感受到田園風味,有返璞歸真,悠然自得的感覺。這些設計意念,旨在提供一個浪漫而舒適的環境,好讓客人感受傳統而典雅的歐洲飲食文化。


 Vinha is a local Portuguese restaurant which offers traditional popular Portuguese dishes but  also an innovative restaurant to fit desires of  the younger generation. Whatever the age group of your friends and family, Vinha has a wide range of traditional Portuguese  dishes to maintain a authentic dining experiences.

Our service purpose is to provide professional attitude, besides our superlative personalized service,  we will provide enough personal space to make you feel at home while enjoying a great local Portuguese style meal in our relaxed dinning room .

Our recommendation include Portuguese Crab Curry, Grilled Ribeye Steak , Roasted Suckling Pig, Portuguese Seafood Rice, as well as a wide array of different years and level of  wine, port wine, champagne, Portuguese beer, juice and other drinks to finish a perfect meal. Offers diners a tryly authentic Portuguese dinning experience.

Vinha started settling in Macau over 20 years and received the prestigious ‘ Star Merchant Award in 2017 under the Quality Tourism Services Accreditation Scheme by Macao Government Tourism Office.   

The unique décor and fill with European dining flavor, Vinha located in Nape with an extensive wine cellar design concept , an arch , redbrick,  fireplace, wine barrel with beige walls surrounded  makes you feel like located in a wine cellar. With windows on both side built on the teak wood platforms , pillar shaped railing, street lights and fences will evoke a feeling of Europe style outdoor sitting restaurant

Vinha 2 brings a traditional European dining  leisure feeling with grape vines hanging décor, offers an back to basic atmosphere. The décor is  to provide a romantic and comfortable surround and let  you to have a traitional and typical European gastronomy.

